Why would I lower the FPS of my video?

Adjusting the FPS is a crucial aspect of video editing that can significantly impact the visual dynamics and the viewer's experience.

Changing the frames per second (FPS) in a video can serve several purposes, each related to the desired visual effect or the requirements of the platform where the video will be displayed. Here are some key reasons why someone might change the FPS in their video:

  1. Cinematic look: The standard 24FPS is often used in cinema because it provides a certain 'look' and 'feel' that viewers associate with high-quality film production.

  2. Create a slow motion effect: Lowering the FPS can be a technique to create slow-motion effects. When a high-FPS footage is played back at a lower FPS, it results in smooth slow motion.

  3. Compatibility with different devices and platforms: Some devices or platforms may have specific FPS requirements for optimal playback. Changing the FPS ensures compatibility and the best viewing experience on these platforms.

  4. Reduce file size: Lowering the FPS can also help reduce the file size of the video, which is beneficial for easier sharing and uploading, especially where there are bandwidth or storage limitations.

  5. Creative expression: Filmmakers and content creators might experiment with different frame rates to achieve a unique look or feel that complements the narrative or artistic vision of their video.